New Beginning Community Ministries
Shepherd’s Pantry — El Monte Distribution Center
3903 Tyler Ave.
El Monte CA 91731
Our Available Services
We provide a number of free services to our clients. You are encouraged to take advantage of those services that will be of benefit to you. Please note that not all services will be provided at each location. The El Monte Distribution Center (formerly Baldwin Park) is managed in collaboration with our partners at New Beginning Community Ministries.
Fridays 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Food is provided for you and/or your family which includes canned and boxed food, produce, fresh fruits, dairy/deli, frozen meat and bakery items. Clients may receive food three times per month from any Shepherd’s Pantry location.
Prayer Support
Friday 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Being a Christian faith-based organization we offer prayer support for all of our clients when they come for food. This is offered on an individual private basis and optional for the client